Το Βρεττανικό κοινοβούλιο, με απόφασή του απέσυρε τον στόλο των αεροσκαφών Harrier από την αεροπορία και στον τελευταίο αποχαιρετιστήριο σχηματισμό τους τα αποσυρόμενα αεροσκάφη, πετώντας πάνω από το Εγγλέζικο Κοινοβούλιο έδωσαν το μύνημά τους στους Βουλευτάδες που ήταν φυσικά (πηγαίνετε πίσω την καρέκλα σας είπαμε) FUCK OFF
Look at this carefully...it is a brilliant example of British Humour!
The British government has scrapped the Harrier fleet and on their farewell formation flypast over the Houses of Parliament they gave thegovernment a message.
Lean back a bit from your computer monitor and squint. Seriously...push your chair back a couple of feet..
My hat is off to the man that was leading this Squadron.
Look at this carefully...it is a brilliant example of British Humour!
The British government has scrapped the Harrier fleet and on their farewell formation flypast over the Houses of Parliament they gave thegovernment a message.
Lean back a bit from your computer monitor and squint. Seriously...push your chair back a couple of feet..
My hat is off to the man that was leading this Squadron.
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